
An Annointed Sermon From The Lord

Peter's Good Advice
Do you know your adversary?
In the 5th book of 1st Peter, Peter tells us in verse 8 that we are to,
be sober or self-controlled, and also to
be vigilant, meaning watchful.
And he lets you know that the devil is your adversary.
Your enemy, your challenge, your cause for suffering,
your temptation.
That serpent the devil, grinning, licking out his serpent tongue,
inviting you into sin.
Your adversary, who will devour you just like a roaring
hungry lion if you don't resists him by staying steadfast in the faith,
rooted in the faith, so that after suffering the devil's attempt,
(and that's exactly what it will amount to if you do remain
steadfast in faith, an attempt), so that after suffering the devil's attempt
at devouring you, you will be perfected, established,
strenghtened, and settled, to the glory of the Lord.

God is not through with you yet.
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